

By Allen Tiller  (Australia)


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Genevieve my darling daughter
Eyes so bright
Hair so wild
Where are ye tonight?

Out on the moors hunting for fairies?
Or under the bridge, searching for troll?
chasing dreams
When you have chores
My darling Genevieve,
Where be ye gone?
One day you'll take a husband
Who’ll not look kindly upon your whims
(But my darling daughter, what he doesn't know, doesn't hurt him!)
He'll say it strange my love
That ye frolic in the dale
Searching for Dragon eggs
And Elvin lore
But heed him not childe
Stay to your heart true
Love flutters
But your heart is always yours
Be not who you are not
Just be you
Genevieve my darling daughter
Your golden locks
Reflecting in the water
Is it mermaid or nymph you seek yonder?
Or is it the allure vanity and youth
That makes you squander
The precious time you have?
One day Faery's might pass you
When Father Time has moved you on
But in my heart i hope not
And your Girlish whims
Will live on
Don’t ever change my darling daughter
One day you may find what 'tis you seek
But until then childe - daughter
'Tis dishes need doing
And floors to sweep....


I was born and raised in the historic South Australian town of Gawler, a large country town north of the city of Adelaide. My parents still reside in the town in the house my Dad built in the 60’s.

I attended local schools, and it was within those schools that my love of poetry and writing was first established.

Currently I work at a local Flooring business as a storeman/delivery driver/water-proofer.

My interests include Poetry, writing, playing guitar, Australian Rules football (Adelaide Crows) and the internet.

My Favourite poet is E.A. Poe, but I also enjoy the writings of Banjo Patterson, Lord Byron, Walt Whitman and Henry Lawson, amongst others.