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'Prayer is Spiritual Pavement'

Author C.L. Mareydt


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One of the most common words within the Christian language to this date is the word 'prayer'. It rolls off our tongues as smooth as honey. We have nonchalantly methodized anything pertaining to prayer to the point of extinction. Jamming prayer into colorful seminar quotes that provide us a liturgy of prayerful patterns and formulas to follow. We banter about the effects of prayer and how God answers prayer, till it becomes a Faith Flag we wave in honor of our own righteousness. How many prayers have we listened to, yawning deep inside, with a disturbing lack of concentration or understanding? How many prayers habitually uttered to cover our religious minds in platitudes of soulish superficial cleansings? We are religiously and ceremonially unclean altogether!

We have inadvertently become like the people in the days of the Prophet Isaiah as he declared after receiving a vision of God...'Woe is me! For I am undone and ruined, because I am a man of unclean lips, and I dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips; for my eyes have seen the King, the Lord of Hosts!'...Isaiah 6.

Every serious Believer must come to this personal transcendental point within there own life, where prayer cannot help. From this position of dyeing to self, we can come into the position of communion in prayer with our Lord! From the position of 'thy will be done', can our will be undone. As the Prophet Isaiah experienced after seeing the death of his beloved King Uzziah. Isaiah then could receive the vision of God and bow his life to the true King. God Almighty! He was not only cleansed and forgiven, but offered himself to be sent forth as God's Prophet once again. Isaiah was mightily used and empowered through his prayers for God's people and his visions which he openly declared. His prayers, now in communion with God, became the spiritual pavement that he walked upon and provided for many generations henceforth.

No, we are not the Prophet Isaiah, however, we are Believers! We believe, therefore we must have communion with God, thru our Lord Jesus Christ. He has become our Emmanuel! God with US! We must commune in prayer or we do not really experience the Life that is available with Jesus. Our communion in prayer becomes our spiritual pavement to walk upon. Our talk becomes our walk. For we will walk exactly what we talk and visa versa.

Each and every time a prayer is thought or spoken it puts the spiritual pavement under our feet to walk in the Spirit with Jesus and with other Believer. We become partakers of the Light as it is dispersed to us in such glorious moments of prayerful communion. We can walk in the Light as Jesus is in the Light. That's spiritual pavement and solid ground.

Like the Prophet Isaiah, our eyes will be opened to the grand scale of God in our lives! That alone is exciting enough, but our Lord so wonderfully expands even this scope, for we then become equipped in purpose in the Kingdom of God. Thru the powerful working of His Holy Spirit we will truly experience our higher purpose in Being one in Christ. Our prayers will be alive in anointing and powerful in preparing the spiritual pavement we need to complete our coarse. We will declare the words of our Lord in the freshness and creativeness that we receive them in. We will be able to supply others and furnish solid spiritual pavement for them to walk on also. What a challenge and what a delight. What an awesome responsibility! We are more than conquerors thru Jesus Christ! Our prayers turn from the Lord serving us and to us serving our Lord! This is what we are created for. This is part of the race our feet are running. This is our coarse and our goal!

Spiritual pavement through our prayers! Now that's powerful. What kind of pavement have you been walking on lately? Are you satisfied with your spiritual walk? Is it the solid ground that you desire? As Believers we do have a choice. That is part of our responsibility between us and God. We can walk as the Prophet Isaiah walked. Full of purpose, full of anointing, and full of Holy Spirit power! It has been provided for each one of us! tgy

©2004 C.L. Mareydt d23