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'Spiritual DNA'

Author C.L. Mareydt


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The Emmaus Journal

The Emmaus Journal - 'Spiritual DNA'


I wonder if the Twelve Disciples that walked and talked with Yahshua (Jesus) in His Earthly Ministry over 2000 years ago, knew they would pass along the "Spiritual DNA" to all the following generations of Disciples? What began with twelve has spiritually multiplied to millions of Disciples throughout history.

Just as a family line within the natural physical realm is passed on to each of its predecessors which can be physically traced, so it is with the Disciples of Yahshua (Jesus). Physically speaking, families pass on an encoded DNA chain that is specifically generated into their own family bloodline. A specific sequence within the DNA code links every person into a family unit. From the encoded DNA sequence the linage of the bloodline forms a traceable family tree. Wherein names within a family tree can be changed or manipulated, the family DNA cannot. It stands as a solid testimony of the bloodline to each and every person included.

In the spiritual sense we as Disciples of Yahshua (Jesus) have a family tree that is traceable also. The blood of Yahshua (Jesus) upon our lives is an everlasting testimony to the Salvation Grace YaHWeH (God) has provided for us! We become joint heirs with Yahshua (Jesus) and have an inheritance that is incorruptible. The "Spiritual DNA" thru the Blood of Yahshua (Jesus) provides us with the promise of Eternal Life. Upon our salvation we are translated out of the bonds of this earthly kingdom and made to be Citizens in the Kingdom of YaHWeH (God). Our natural DNA no longer has to hold us in bondage, since we are redeemed unto a new life through the Blood Covenant. Our new "Spiritual DNA" is now available to us! No longer do we have to be a slave to our old nature, but now have a new nature which is in the image of Yahshua (Jesus). As a new creation, we are regenerated, renamed, and resurrected unto a New Life. We are now included in the Family of Elohim as Sons and Daughters of the Most High. If that could not get any better, we are then literally called Kings and Priests. Our "Spiritual DNA" links us to everything that pertains to the Kingdom of YaHWeH (God). We can enjoy all the benefits of our New Inheritance and our New Life, as we are Discipled through Yahshua (Jesus).

..."Oh what Love, what Boundless Love, YaHWeH (God) has bestowed on me. Calling me a Son of Elohim (God), Planting my feet where the Saints have trod, Lifting me up into realms above. Oh what Boundless Love..." from a wonderful old hymnal.

Even as we quote such lovely songs, and write such fluid articles in tribute to our Elohim (God), it can never take the place of the miraculous event of a personal relationship WITH Yahshua (Jesus) and what he has provided thru His Blood! Our best pales in the Light of His Wonderful Grace! For we owe it all to him, even our "Spiritual DNA"!

© C.L. Mareydt d23