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Walk Beside Me

Author C.L. Mareydt


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May I talk to you today? I would love to speak quietly and share My peace with you. You know, you are created in My image and purposed to be a Friend and Companion. I have missed you lately. I have seen you from a distance and called out to you several times. Perhaps the noise all around you was too loud and disturbing. I understand. It disturbs me too, for your sake. But, My Friend, I didn't want you to wander too far away. In fact I really desire you to walk right beside Me. I really do. It is possible you know...

We do have a lot in common and a lot we could talk about. I enjoy talking about almost anything. Really. You name it and just try it out on me. I'm no religious fuddy-duddy. And, I know you definitly have a lot of opinions. Believe Me, I do to. I would love to hear more of yours. I believe you would be interested in more of mine. Just sharing, walking and talking together, gladens My heart as I know it does yours.

We don't have to talk about mind boggling events you know, but then again, we can if you want. We don't even have to talk about super spiritual things. I don't mind. Things are not as complicated as they seem. I'm not that lofty, and untouchable. Infact, I Am always nearer than you think. We can commune together, as much as you want. I do believe you would find some relevance in our discussions. Infact I know you would. You know something else? I know you understand quite abit! In more ways than one, spiritually, soulfully, and naturally. After all, don't forget, I do not create any junk. You especially, My Friend, are more than the sum of your parts. Far more precious to Me than I can even express to you.

Oh, I know you have had some shakey moments and your life has had a lot of ups and downs. But, that is part of this life you know. Even then, in all those so called ups and downs in your life, I have creatively used each event for your benefit. How about that! Oh, I know you could not always appreciate what happened to you at times, but eventually you did receive some understanding through a few of the more poignant circumstances. I've even heard your sigh of relief after the madness of the situations finally passed. I really felt for you at those times, and my heart hurt because of your pain. But, I must admit Dear Friend, I could not block some events from coming your way. Somethings you had to learn and go through yourself. Sometimes your own choices got in the way of your best interest. But, I was with you through thick and thin, even if you didn't know it. And, you must realize, I did commission My angels to come to your aid several times.

Please know, I will always be with you, and I will always be there for you. My Spirit delites in your well being, and I will still continue to work in everything for your best. I'm sorry you had to hurt so much at times. I'm sorry for the painful disappointments that came your way. I'm sorry that I could not relieve all the sorrows that were so grievious to bear. But, please know that I will continue to restore you as we walk together. Yes, step by step. Each step with Me will lighten the burden, each step with Me will ease the sense of pressure, each step with me will loosen the bonds of any earthly oppression. You can look forward to that and count on Me. That helps, doesn't it? So really we can look on the brighter side of all of this. Remember, you are still alive with Me. You are still a precious member of My Family. And, surely you must know by now, that I will never leave you or forsake you. You are My own. I will always look for you and call you by your name.

Do you understand that I need you, as well as I know, you need me. Oh, you think you need me more. But Dear Friend, out of all my creation, you are the one created in My image. I have formed you to answer back to Me, to talk to Me. Think about that! What other creature on earth can talk to me like you can? I really delight when you answer My call. I delight when you call out My name. Oh, how wonderful to hear your voice and see your smile of love and recognition. We need more times like this, full of abundant caring and sharing. I know we shall have many more of these times!

Well, Dear Friend, thank you for spending some time with Me. Thanks for walking and talking with Me a spell. The time we spend together is precious. Let's get together real soon again. You know I never sleep, so whatever the time, I Am available. Be well My Friend, stay well My Friend, choose well My Friend. And know that I, your Friend, will alway be a help to you. Shalom Dear Friend! Shalom.

© C.L. Mareydt d23